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pininki @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, March 13, 2009

Hmmm...a bad news. There are no candid shots for me to post online. Wait...no there are candid shots but they are all with Kwee. And those photos are all me!!!! Lol...she kept threatening me with those 'pretty' photos that she took in her room. I did took some shots of her but apparently, she is prettier haha so her photos are nicer coz her face is being blocked by her own camera. LOL

For the past few days, i have been staying at home. Bored...I am going to be bored to death. I have so many things in my list to buy but i don't have $$$, how to buy? Haiz
Friday, February 27, 2009

Ok i am being very very very serious over here. My blog is DEAD!!! I think if i never visit my cousin's blog, i think i will never ever post again.

Having holidays right now till April so i need to find a job!!!! My pockets are so empty now...Oh no what to do??? I just want to get any job as soon as possible and stop lazing around at home. Other than using the computer, i slept, eat and read my twilight series. Oh ya my TWILIGHT!!!!! I am so in love with Edward Cullen as in the main guy in the book not that Robert Pattinson in the movie. He is hot in Harry Potter's but not very hot in this movie. Sadded =(

Ever since Kwee and Yian said that the book was nice, i have been reading it and the sequels as well. They are freaking awesome haha...I am still waiting for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn because they were out of stocks. No idea how long am i going to wait...Haiz

Anyway, i did something that i don't think i would want or dare to do again. Know what???? Ok, i confessed my love to some guy who i liked. Haiz...but was being rejected. That was the first time i had ever taken the initiative. Guess i will not do that again. Seriously, he is the first guy that i have ever liked so much before so when i was rejected, i cried terribly. But soon as Melson knew what's wrong with me, he consoled me and reasoned out with me, i felt much much better. Thanks Melson!!! =) But anyway, it's probably a blessing in disguise. I just want to take it slowly and steadily.

Tomorrow, Yian and I will be going out to Kwee's house for a sleepover. What can we do over there??? I don't know, other than reading my New Moon. Yay!!! But think Yian will use her skills on Kwee and me by smacking and hitting us. Probably, we will be expecting a pillow fight as well. Who knows??? Haha...I am going to take lots of pictures tomorrow so that i can post online. Maybe there will be some candid shots or 'pretty' shots as well? Let's wait and see!!!!
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Ok seriously some things really needed my attention and that's my BLOG...LOL luckily Sing Kwee reminded me that my blog is so DEAD haha...Thus, this shall be my first post in this year 2009. Anyway, Happy New Year to all of you. A new year marks a new beginning. Let's start the year with a smile and make this whole year a fruitful one.

31 Dec 2008 - 1 Jan 2009 : The last day of year 2008 really made me ponder on what i had done for 2008 and i realised that there's nothing that i have achieved. OH NO!!! I guess i really have to start to make plans for 2009, because I don't wish that at the end of the year, i did not achieve anything. Anyway, went to downtown east with Sing Kwee and Yian Lin to countdown. There were so many people and i saw volleyball boys on the way to the D'Marquee. We went there to see Gary Cao Ge haha...We definitely enjoyed his songs and sang together. When it was 23.59 then, I felt so excited and we started counting down, 5...4...3...2...1 Happy New Year!!!! Hahaha...That was how 2008 came to an end. A new year had begun...A new journey too...So after counting down, Kwee left with her family and my uncle fetched Yian home and went to buy supper. So by the time i reached home was like 2am? So late but the night was still young haha. In the end, I went out again at 4am with Ah Jue to have a drink in his car at Pasir Ris Park and stayed till 7am before he drove me home. It was such a tiring day so went to bed the moment i reached home. Worse still, i had a hangover when i woke up. What a day!

2 Jan 2009 : Accompanied Kwee for a job interview at Raffles Place and we found out a SHOCKING news!!! Guess what? Our student fares have changed to adult fares and i just can't believe that our days of travelling with 45 cents for each trip is over!!! Within a day, i have spent about $5 on transport. Oh my goodness! I am so not going out anymore other than going to school. I have calculated that i would have to spend $100 on transport per month. It's so expensive. Haiz....guess i would have to save even more now.
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Yay!!! Holidays have come though it's just a two week break but i am still happy...Haha...Felt so relieved after finishing my exams. Lol...i can't wait for the results to be out. I could still remember when i was studying for my POM paper that day, I slept for only 2 hrs...It has been quite a long time that i ever studied for a paper and never sleep for so few hours...
Luckily it pays off haha...i could still manage it and i think i will get quite good results for it. Haha...Wait for my results then....
Monday, May 26, 2008

Guess what...today i had my excel online test and before the test, i was like 'oh no!!! What to do? What is vlookup and if function?' I was so worried that i will not do well as i was telling yanbing over the phone yesterday. Then, when i was looking at the test paper and i saw 'IF FUNCTION', i was thinking that i am going to not do well for the test. However, with God's grace, eventually i know how to use the IF function. I was so surprised and happy. I am very sure that i am going to do well for this paper. Wait for my good news then!!!

After CSA lab session, i went for lunch with Jasmine, Cai Xin and Yang Qin. You know where we went? SWENSENS!!! Luckily my mum gave me money this morning, or else i don't know what to do...Haha and also we actually took the cheapest cab fare back to school. It's $4 only haha...After dividing by 4 people, each of us only need to pay $1...$1!!!!! The cheapest cab fare i ever took. Haha...
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Back to blogging again...For the past one month, i am currently studying in Temasek Polytechnic. I had withdrew from TPJC as i felt that there's no point continuing. I know many of my friends care for me but i just want to tell them that i am really happy studying in TP. Guys, don't need to worry about me ok? Tell you something, my timetable now is so different from JC's timetable. I do not have lessons every thursday. Good right? Haha...
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Time is running out for me...Should i run together with the time or just stop and let time passes by? Don't know what's wrong with me these few days. I just feel i am so out of place and how i wish i have never existed. Apparently, it is impossible that i have a choice not to be existed. This period of time is my worst of my life so far. Imagine yourself that you quarrel with your family everyday when you have so many other things to handle and that you would spend crying in your own room for each day. This feeling is so... Worst still is that i had exams last week and i did not really study. I tried to put aside all my troubles and try to concentrate on my revision but you know what? When i tried to memorise a sentence, just ONE SENTENCE, nothing got into my head and the next moment, i brokedown and cry. I totally give up because this has been happening to me at the start of this year. I felt so useless and hopeless. I know i can always turn to God but somehow in my quiet time, i can't feel His presence that makes me feel worse. I keep seeking for him but somehow He is hiding from me. I am at my wits end. God, can you hear me? Please don't hide from me...